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Adding a Break Point in Informatica Debugger

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You can start to debug a valid mapping to search out troubleshooting information about the data and errors. To debug a mapping, you configure and run the Debugger as of in the Mapping Designer. The Debugger makes use of a session to run the mapping on Integration Service. As you run the Debugger, it breaks at breakpoints and you can view and edit the transformation of output data.
 You may run the Debugger in the following circumstances:

  •   Before running a session. After saving a mapping, you can run some early tests with a debug session before you create and configure a session in the Workflow Manager.
  •   After running a session. If a session fails or if you receive unexpected results in the target, run the Debugger against the session to modify the changes. You may also run the Debugger against a session if you want to debug the mapping using the configured session properties.
When you add a breakpoint to debugger, it runs from within the Mapping Designer. The Designer connects to the Integration Service and initializes the Debugger and runs debugging session and workflow. The Integration Service reads the breakpoints and pause Debugger when the breakpoints assess to true.
 We can place as numerous breakpoints in the debugger according to our requirements.
Mostly as you run the Debugger, you can monitor Session log, debug log, target data, transformation and mapplet output data. When you run the Debugger, the Designer shows the following windows
Debug log: View messages from the Debugger.
Target window: View target data.
Instance window: View transformation data.
When the Debugger pauses, you can modify the data and can see the effect on transformations, mapplets and targets as the data moves through the channel. You can also modify breakpoint information.

Please refer the image attached hereby for better understanding:-